Emanuel Macron's election as president of France necessitated a celebratory visit to Lyon (thank goodness that Marine Le Pen didn't get elected!!).
First order of business for the day: macaroons. Salted Caramel, vanilla, chocolate, lemon, raspberry and pistachio to be exact. Brady and I ate these in two seconds flat. They were amazing. And since they cost an arm and a leg in Geneva and are super cheap in France, the ones in the picture were not the only ones we ate that day. (oops?)

Isn't he the cutest?! (Maybe I'm just a bit biased . . .)

Wandering through the beautiful old town is an absolute must when visiting Lyon.

There are two Ancient Theatres of Fourvière (an ancient Roman City) still in Lyon. And one of them is actually still used for events!

Honestly in love with the Roman architecture that has survived all this time and the fact that these are theatres just makes my little heart so happy.

"Brady's Empire"

This view. Love it so much.

Rose shaped gelato - apparently when I saw this, my eyes lit up (according to Brady) so we had to stop and get some.

Star Ferry is a beer and burger place that has beers from all over the world. So, it was a must-stop for Brady. He had a cherry beer from Belgium and I had local wine.

Parc de la Tête d'Or is a huuuuuge park (290 acres) with everything from a lake to a zoo (a free zoo!!) to a merry-go-round. It is stunningly beautiful and you could spend hours wandering around. We didn't have enough time to see much but we did get to see baby giraffes!! I would recommend spending most of a day here (much more than we got to spend). It would be the perfect place to have a picnic!

I would 100% recommend visiting Lyon! But if you're going to go, you should plan to spend at least two days! Since we were only there for one day, I feel like we missed some of the city but we did see a lot even with a small amount of time. Also, if you're travelling to Lyon from Geneva, do yourself a favour and take the bus. We would recommend OUI bus! It was cheap, clean and on time. The France trains were none of those things.
This post is a little late but I've been a bit busy wearing hoods and writing speeches this week . . .
More blog posts coming your way include one about Annecy, one about Lausanne, one last one about Geneva and then a very special one about graduation.