"Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less. Feel more."
I have ALL the feels about having finished the Modo Yoga St John's 30 day at Home Yoga Challenge.
This post is a compilation of photos J took of me, what classes J and I did, and something I learned each day of my yoga practice. You may have already seen these pictures if you watch my stories on Instagram, but it was important for me to put this in a blog post.
This was a big goal of mine. I had wanted to do a 30 day fitness challenge since I first made a Pinterest account circa 2010. This challenge taught me SO much. Much more than I had hoped or expected. Especially given the pandemic that we're currently living through.
I'm not totally sure what I want to write here besides the fact that I'm feeling so blessed to be able spend time on my mat every day. Blessed to be healthy and alive.
I hope this post inspires you to do something you've always wanted to, take time to slow down and remember to breathe.
We did a lot of our classes on Instagram live (Modo Yoga St John's) or youtube live (Megan Humphrey Yoga). We also did some through Modo Yoga Online and some Yoga with Adriene on youtube. Our favourite classes were with Megan or Modo St John's. Some of these yoga teachers are the best I have ever had! Getting to do yoga with Megan has been SO much fun for J and I. We met Megan last summer when we did a kayak and yoga adventure while we were at Gros Morne and LOVED her class. Unfortunately for us, she lives in Cornerbrook. However, because of the pandemic, she's been doing online classes which means we get more classes with her than we ever would have! (You gotta look for the silver linings of the pandemic!)
Here is 30 days of photos of 30 days of yoga.
Day 1
"Maybe this is a time for us to take a step back from our busy lives and start appreciating the little things life has to offer."

Day 2
The body benefits from movement, the mind benefits from stillness.

Day 3
Freestyle Flow
Let yourself be drawn to what you love.

Day 4
Yang Yin
Taking time to look inward is vital.

Day 5
Restorative Flow
Boredom and lack of inspiration makes us tired.

Day 6
The only impossible goal is the one you don't work towards.

Day 7
Bliss Flow
It is so much easier to find positivity on sunny days. It is so much more important to find it on grey days.

Day 8
Yoga for Bedtime
Focusing on breathing can make all the difference.

Day 9
Modo + Yin, Meditation
Your body is capable of more than you could imagine.

Day 10
Modo + Yin
Think about all that you are instead of all you are not

Day 11
Bliss Flow
Turn tightness into lightness.

Day 12
Modo Flow
You are more than one thing and you cannot put yourself in a box.

Day 13
Yoga for shoulders and back
Change changes your perspetive.

Day 14
[AM] Yang Yin
Whatever you're thinking, think bigger.

[PM] Flow
One step. One breath. One moment at a time.

Day 15
Sometimes it is important to change your perspective.

Day 16
"Spicy Flow"
To release is to let go of what does not serve you.

Day 17
Light can be found in darkness. Calm can be found in chaos.

Day 18
Bend so you don't break.

Day 19
Yoga for Stress
You need to take care of yourself to efficiently take care of others.

Day 20
Bedtime Yoga
"It takes great courage to see the world in all it's tainted glory, and still to love it."
- Oscar Wilde

Day 21
Be thankful for everything. Big or small, everything helped you get where you are now.

Day 22
Bedtime Yoga
Be kind to yourself.

Day 23
You might not alway see the results of kindness, but it makes the world a better place.

Day 24
Modo + Yin
"If you're truly showing up to serve the world [...] do you think it's best to withhold your talent?" - Kelly Lawson

Day 25
[Part I] Flow
Let go of things that make you feel heavy.

[Part II] Bliss Flow
Slow down. Take a breath. Take it all in.

Day 26
Modo + Yin
Anchor yourself to your breath.

Day 27
Restorative Yoga
Self love needs to be actively practiced every day.

Day 28
"Warrior Flow"
Present yourself as someone who expects to succeed.

Day 29
Gratitude Meditation
Sometimes just breathing is enough.

Day 30
I have everything I need within me.

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you.”
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay home.
Have courage. Be kind.