Coming back to Newfoundland post-Christmas holidays has not exactly been easy. Although I adore my research and lab, leaving friends and family in Saint John sucked. And yes, having an extra day at home because of the "snow bomb" was nice, but it also meant that I had to say goodbye to everyone twice and that, I am not a fan of.
So in the interest of keeping myself mentally sane while the weather here is less than lovely, I have compiled a list of a few of my favourite things (yes, obviously inspired by the Sound of Music and yes, it's more than a few) to help remember all of the small, wonderful parts of life.
1. The smell after it rains.
2. Laughing so hard your belly hurts.

3. The sound of the waves crashing.

4. Sand between your toes.
5. Forehead kisses.
6. Hugs when you're reunited with people you love.

7. When a song comes on at a party and everyone sings along.
8. Putting the pieces together of a hazy night over brunch the morning after.
9. Summer bonfires with s'mores.

10. "Good morning" texts.
11. "I miss you" texts.
12. Singing in the car with your best friend.

13. "Family Dinner" with your best friends.
14. Going home.
15. A much-anticipated kiss.
16. Cuddles.
17. Friends that you love so much it hurts to be away.

18. Not being hungover after a night out.
19. The feeling of being small when standing next to the ocean.

20. The feeling of the sun on your cheeks.
21. Drunkenly eating garlic fingers.
22. Fleece blankets.
23. Tea.

24. Presents that are personal.
25. Visiting a new place.

26. Making new friends.
27. Hugs you never want to end.
28. Listening to his heartbeat.
29. Vanilla lattes.

30. People who get you.
31. Homemade Pasta.

32. Dew on the grass on summer mornings.
33. Crunchy leaves.

34. Black clothes.
35. Pillows (alllllllll the pillows).
36. Warm socks.
37. Random calls from friends just to check in on you.
38. Falling asleep together on FaceTime.
39. Hot Showers.
40. White Christmas lights.

41. Parties that go even better than you expected.
42. Friends who stay to help you clean up after a party.
43. Watching Christmas movies with your mom.

44. Sunrises.
45. Sunsets.

46. Summer.
47. New pj's.
48. When you cut into an avocado and it's the perfect ripeness.
49. Back rubs.
50. Book stores.
51. The view from the top.

52. Old songs that you still know all the words to.
53. Sea glass and seashells.

54. Starfish.
55. Falling asleep to the sound of rain hitting the roof.
56. Holding hands.
57. Fresh fruit.
58. Photos.

59. Lists.
60. You.
"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."