1. I REALLY like lists.
2. Just because you don't become friends with someone immediately doesn't mean they won't become very important people in your life.

3. Going to MUN to study viruses was the best decision I have ever made. (Even though I seriously questioned this decision when it snowed here in June...)
4. You are your own biggest barrier. So get out of your own damn way and follow your dreams. Do not let ANYONE get in the way of you pursuing those dreams.

5. In case of tears, anger and/or betrayal - go to the nearest place you can see the ocean.

6. Anyone who choses to walk out of your life doesn't deserve to be there and there is no need to chase them. These are the people who enter your life transiently to teach you something. Be thankful for the lessons you learned, and the memories you cherish and then let them go.
7. Dancing fixes almost everything. And if it doesn't fix it, then it at least allows you to forget about the broken for a couple of hours. (Having the best dance family on the planet helps with this.)

8. The situations that hurt your heart the most teach you the most valuable lessons.
9. Run away from anyone that tells you they "only drink hot chocolate" in response to "let's get coffee sometime."

10. Sometimes the best cure for a bad day is bubbles and booze.
11. When you find what you love to do, you'll know. People will start to tell you your eyes light up when you talk about it.

Bonus: beware of boys with puppies. ;)
11 months down.