23 Things I Learned During my 23rd year on Earth: A Birthday Blog Post
I just completed my 23rd rotation around the sun, and leading up to my 23rd birthday, as always, I've been thinking about what I've learned from the last year. This is it.
1. Never underestimate the power of being near the ocean.

2. Sometimes your world falls apart around you, but that’s when you learn who your true friends are.

3. Dance makes the bad days good and the good days fantastic.

4. Sometimes the most you can do is get your butt out of bed. And that’s okay. Be kind to yourself.
5. If you want a Christmas tree, buy the Christmas tree if it will make you happy.

6. Don’t take anything for granted. People will move in and out of your life quickly. Make sure you can stand on your own two feet.

7. Walk away from ANYONE who treats you in a way that is less than you deserve.

8. Forgiveness really is taking the knife out of your own back and not using it to hurt the person who hurt you.
9. It is absolutely okay to miss someone but no longer want them in your life.
10. Keep an open heart. Opportunities and people will present themselves when you’re ready for them.

11. Getting Hand-Foot-and-Mouth as an adult results in a very productive, but stir-crazy week of being stuck in your apartment.

12. Your grandparents are getting older at a fast rate, make sure you slow down and spend time with them while you can. Even if that means flying home last minute and leaving school for a week.

13. Grief is continuous and it never truly goes away. It just changes.
14. If your friend shows up at a bar with a bag of mini eggs, keep her around.

15. Your “hate” towards a place can change rather quickly.

16. Doing little things to cheer up your friends is priceless.
17. Sometimes life takes you down a path you couldn’t have ever imagined you’d be on.

18. Ebola continues to be the coolest virus. A new species of Ebolavirus was isolated this summer from bats in Sierra Leone. It has been named Bombali ebolavirus and a recombinant (modified) version of this virus was able to infect human cells in vitro (in a dish in a lab). So far this species of Ebolavirus has not caused a human outbreak.
19. When NL reaches 30°C, go to the beach.

20. Celebrate everything. Big things, little things, medium things and life in general (including pink pumpkins).

21. The beach is the best place to do any sort of decision making.

22. I’m not as bad at Hip Hop as I thought I might be.

23. If you have the chance to dress up as a mermaid or a virus or both, you should do it.

Bonus. Take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself to you – go to musicals, go out for a drink, go out to dinner with friends, go on the first date, present your research, talk about your passions. Life your life to the fullest.

This year has come with a few curses and many many blessings. I'm thankful for everything life has thrown my way.
We are not who we are without challenges.
In a few days I'll be heading home to Saint John will a full heart for Christmas Holidays. See you soon SJ.
With all my love.