Well friends,
It’s been quite the year so far, hasn’t it?
There has been so much negativity and fear in the media lately, so I thought I would take this opportunity to do three things:
1. Re-vamp my blog
2. Celebrate Cass and Dave’s Engagement Anniversary
3. Bring a bit of joy into a time that has been dark and stressful
Cass and I haven’t been friends for that long, and I have known Dave for even less time. But that hasn’t stopped us from becoming fast friends.

In October 2019, Cass joined the Russell Lab (where I do my PhD research) as a Research Assistant. Fairly soon after, we became fast friends. Now, she and Dave are me and Jordan’s “couple friends.”
Cass and Dave got engaged in February, 2019. The week after, we decided that I would take their engagement photos and we would trade services so they would help me move, which worked out perfectly!
So, on March 24th, 2019, Jordan and I met up with Cass, Dave, and Miss Birchy for a photoshoot (almost a year to this day).
Without further ado . . . Cass and Dave (& Miss Birchy)

And of course, I couldn’t end this post without a few bloopers . . .
. . . Miss Birchy likes to eat sea urchins and give kisses . . .

I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy during this crazy time we’re living in.
Sending you lots of love.