Cass and Dave . . . where do I even start??
They're my friends, support system, and dog parents to my FAVOURITE fluffy friend. Dave is my go-to for all questions car-related that Jordan can't answer. Cass is my Lab Mom, Western Blot saver, and secret-keeper. I am eternally grateful for their presence in my life.
These two have had so much thrown at them this year, so when Cass asked me if I wanted to take a second round of engagement photos (since they had to post-pone their wedding due to COVID-19) I enthusiastically said "YES!!"
Soooo, on a snowy December day, Jordan and I went out to Cass and Dave's to take pictures (and celebrate my birthday)!
Please enjoy these totally adorable love birds, their fluffy, snow-loving dog, and Jordan holding Birchy's paw.

Goodness I love you both.
And Birchy.
And the picture of Jordan holding Birchy's paw.
Stay safe. Wash your hands. Wear your mask (over your nose!!!!). Stay home is you can. Be kind. Fight for what you believe in.